We speak humanly
When silos echo down each other
and across borders we speak humanly
we become
:- Doug.

When silos echo down each other
and across borders we speak humanly
we become
:- Doug.
What we must do now is increase the proportion of humans to people.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1439
This competitive mindset is poisoning us.
Please pass it on.
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Little children some called their adult friends. That is what we are—balls of fear, fun, and all the subtle and gross realities in between. These people we can understand. These people we can love.
:- Doug.
Friend, many to help, much to do, must get off my cushion and into you now.
:- Doug.
Let us turn the grey cloth vision: examine what is outside the cloth, what is coming to us, from us, what’s next. Initially I saw in our age the whole is obscured. We do not see how we already have ligaments running from one to another, gathering us. We are poking a few holes and some are catching glimpses. It remains for us to call to the beloved community, call us to see us.
:- Doug.