The only way to change our culture is to interact with it. Every interaction, however small, moves the culture. Which way is best? Converse.
:- Doug.

The only way to change our culture is to interact with it. Every interaction, however small, moves the culture. Which way is best? Converse.
:- Doug.
Not simply back and forth, give and take: all flows in all directions, making and sharing. Even skin and hands are permeable, no barriers.
:- Doug.
We will not all agree. Let us converse with those who are open. Perhaps a change for good only needs 38 1/3%.
:- Doug.
This they call God
these call universe
those by another name
is free creative
gathering the winds
needs not go through any inter
vening space to get you there
:- Doug.
Not as they should be
Not as they were promised
Not as they must be
About these things
Cry aloud
:- Doug.
Are we a free people or not? Are we tied by our chasing after Dollars and numbers or do we give justice and compassion as we wish?
:- Doug.
Grieve, grieve for the grandchildren
They are dying before our eyes
Even while playing, so cry
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1741
Expect people to dismiss. Expect people to get nervous, to fight it. Expect people to ridicule. Care when people do not react, are not disturbed. Reach out: expect your hand to be slapped. Hard. Do not stop if it is not. Or if it is. Do not be attached to either as your stopping point. It is a valuable gift. Whether and how it is received is not your concern. You have come only to give it.
Please pass it on.
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Elders already are developing this consciousness. This consciousness is grounded in justice and compassion, implicit in the panoramic view.
:- Doug.
Numbness, enculturation, weariness, ennui, resignation, satiety, consumerism, playlessness, tearlessness, imaginationlessness: symptoms of the disease of our age.
:- Doug.
An alternative consciousness, introduced as an infection, may be sufficient right being and doing of the elder.
:- Doug.
We may not get there, nor in my lifetime, nor in 300 years. So? Results are never a good test for life. Push and pull even if we cannot see the needle move. Sometimes we just have to do what’s right.
:- Doug.
We help families in crisis get help to pay for care in a nursing home or at home.
:- Doug.
Many people do not fear death so much as the pain and struggle of dying. This is the job of hospice—and all of us.
:- Doug.
Our job as lawyers is not to fight just because we can, but to work toward what for our clients is the best we can.
:- Doug.
This too has been taken from you
no, you elder have no power
we call your words
and imagination
to the generations
:- Doug.