political economic stances
To your political economic stances
To mine
There are light and dark sides
Let us together
Be aware
:- Doug.

To your political economic stances
To mine
There are light and dark sides
Let us together
Be aware
:- Doug.
When you have an argument with your spouse
Whose fault is it?
Well, then, we are married to each other
Sharing this earthen sphere
Sharing responsibility
For what we are doing
For what we could be doing
:- Doug.
The world is a round starting anywhere
asks for no period
does not end anywhere…or everywhere
:- Doug.
Attend, attend, attend!
Watch where you look
What you take in—or don’t
Of whom are you conscious?
Of when are we aware?
Of those we experience as different?
Of emerging not-yets we can meet?
:- Doug.
disrupt the before
toward a better later
insert reflection
but how?
only invite
:- Doug.
Bequeath the space
to others
or with fear our companion, courageously
:- Doug.
Wider, more unforeseen the horizons
opened to our search
the times we express our heart and will
:- Doug.
Some want to change the world and some want to enjoy it. Can they? Together?
:- Doug.
Does God arise from all this? Inhere in all this? Emerge with all this? Create all this? Invent all this? How do we relate? What role shall we take on? Whom do we think we are, for surely that is whom we are?
;- Doug.