Meeting works on us
:- Doug.

To know is the dreamed-up cousin of to control
We cannot control—to try frustrates
Unknowing going—can be the most satisfying fun!
:- Doug.
Beetles, shimmers, colors!
An inordinate, humming love
The all that is!
:- Doug.
Profundity is a tunnel, it is the depths and vastness, and we think it is within us. When we look closer, it is between and among us.
:- Doug.
How things human change: first there was travail, an instrument of torture. Now we seek it out, call it travel.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1532
We are a scrambled egg: all the violence we are doing to one another, how are we ever going to put us together in peace? We probably can never unscramble our egg, so what can we make of it? How might we find a sauce, make a dish, a meal, that allows us to sit at table together, and make a go of living together?
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Reminding people of their own depths: not taking people somewhere new to them, but home.
:- Doug.
The prophets dreamed with
The God of Abraham and
The campfire carries us
:- Doug.
Be courageous to remind people they are drawn to stillness. More there is than our grasping hands can reach. Our grandchildren need us to be large.
:- Doug.
The thought beneath the thought: open your self to gently suggest to others: It goes beyond generation, circulation, ventilation to receptivity, willing non willing, and welcoming.
:- Doug.
Last night I was drawn to the glimpse that not knowing is important. We need to remind people of the value of not knowing, of its foundationality for knowing and doing. Not doing, not knowing, are the bases of doing and knowing. The bowl must be empty before nourishment can be accepted. Wu wei I think is the term for doing not doing. It seems the traditions go deeper than that, alerting us that more is available to us.
:- Doug.