To see who sees
Paint a vision
to see who sees
:- Doug.

With computers today taking over more and more of our coordinating and deciding activities from stoplights to traffic flow to knowing when to fill a tire, can it be long before politicians feel threatened that their old wranglings are being taken away, the need for them diminished?
:- Doug.
Independence Day fireworks: all the money we burn up in a few minutes! Why does the human spirit turn out in such numbers to watch? What does it see? Mostly not independence after all these years. The bright shining noisy display? Something more? Something of one? Something of its own human spirit?
:- Doug.
I’m waiting for you my sons
to grow up
to gather some depths
so we might meet
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1448
We are not rapidly approaching the limits of what I know. We crossed that frontier long ago!
Please pass it on.
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Do you fear being absorbed
in the sea?
Maybe you will absorb it!
:- Doug.
Metaphors in our midst
Metaphors in a muddle
Lead us out and in again
:- Doug.
Metaphors sometimes grow up out of changes in our thinking. For example, see how computers and Internet have led to metaphors of networking and nanobots. But notice too that metaphors act on our thinking carrying it in new directions. Metaphors as hinges!
:- Doug.
The thread in our needle
is twining itself into thread
as we stitch our fabric together
:- Doug.
“God will fix this!”
“Your imagined God does not exist.”
Ponder: they both are right
For surely neither sees
Large enough
:- Doug.
Persevere we must
through some hundred thousand generations
now can we stitch with a thread long enough?
;- Doug.
In this upcoming meeting
a prickly person
an entangling knot
I may have to use
my super powers
put on a mask so I don’t recognize myself
love us in a single bound
imagination, hearing:
these our cape
and flying
:- Doug.
Not O help them
Pray O help us
We have the need
If only to see
Ourselves in them
:- Doug.
Spirit is the
progressing realization
of all there is
in me
:- Doug.
We humans are already and always connected. In synchrony, mirroring, and unison—in conversation—we realize upon our capacity.
:- Doug.
The tithe might just be to get us realizing these are people and part of a larger context than our little me, our little purse. To the extent we see we are not alone, all grows.
:- Doug.