Immigration Conversations
There will be someone there you need to meet.
Please click here to view full-size invitation.
Please click here to see a list of people who will be attending.
Here are the topics people posted:
1. Since the 1st settlers here crossed the Bering Strait, who is not a or a descendant of an immigrant? Therefore is it fair to discriminate against others who have similar circumstances? Dave
2. How South Bend area is effected by immigration issues today? Jimmy
3. How are legal residents (citizens or not) affected by negative attitudes and actions against “illegals?” Reynaldo
4. Question: Fairness and Practical? Suzanne
5. Is Economic impact of immigrants overall harmful or beneficial to USA? In what Ways? Reynaldo
6. How does immigration affect South Bend’s economic development? Hugo
7. How does immigration affect the housing market & housing quality? Reynaldo
8. The rationality & reality of HR 4439 E its impact on the local community via social political areas, pro & con. Larry
9. Opportunity to comply? (Immigration Quotes: Reasonable?) Fred
10. Taxes & Resources: Who pays and who receives? José
11. In what ways does U.S. policy drive illegal immigration? Reynaldo
12. What ideas in education (elementary and secondary) do people have for enlightening children of this issue? The longer we don’t talk about this issue at all stages of life, the more it remains the “unspeakable” topic. How does not talking about it help anything? Priscilla
13. Are poor immigrants a net drain on the welfare system (public & private)? Reynaldo
14. Are U.S. Government political & economic actions towards Latin American Countries pushing immigration to the U.S.? Hugo