Help us find the message
The message is asking people to find the message within, between and among themselves.
:- Doug.

The message is asking people to find the message within, between and among themselves.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1149
So many sufferings, so many people to help, the problem is getting them together; we are entering a new era, the era that can be defined by conversation and meeting, being persons to one another. Global warming can be a good thing—warming to each other.
Please pass it on.
© c 2011, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
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There are ways to read and interpret the words expansively, openly, to see G*d as beyond our sight and our vision.
:- Doug.
G*d seems not to be about telling us we should stick our heads in the sand: G*d seems to be about engaging us in our world.
:- Doug.
The mysteries of life—consider—we do not know how a seed produces in one instance a tree, in another a human baby, only that it does. We do not know what makes an atom, even though we can split it. We are not responsible for our health, only some of our illnesses. These are all given to us; we should be thankful. To whom or what? To something, no, not a thing, but moving, acting (even those are nouns and inadequate!) infinitely larger than some white haired man on a throne. Think adjectival and verbal—and then throw your thoughts away! Note that all of these are much larger than you. This larger asks only that you live compassionately with.
:- Doug.
Disintegrate. We can come together, or will fall apart. United we stand said one of the fathers of our country and perhaps this still appeals to a wide spectrum of us.
:- Doug.
Can we hear each other? Can we come together and move forward, or will we kill each other and disintegrate?
:- Doug.
You can have your own religions
These are necessary to our creativity
What we need is a rightened spirit
A spirit of compassion and of oneness
:- Doug.
What if I were to scatter clews about my work—our work—our spiritual being? Perhaps those clews would be ears?
:- Doug.
What is esoteric, hidden, is not so to keep anyone out, but to alert all that the door is not the usual kind, unlocked with words or concepts. It is opened easily by anyone willing to walk through it. How no one can tell.
:- Doug.
People have a great hankering for someone to hold up an ideal and with vigor work towards that which shows us our higher nature.
:- Doug.
There are many people who do not want to meet, do not want to engage spiritual being to spiritual being. This is perhaps largely because they have not experienced it. Meeting in this way is how things get done. Maybe the meeting is fairly surface, as in business and building large enterprises; even here, however, there are those who have larger vision and impart it. But the really big vision is based in love. Greed or desire for fame will carry a person only so far. Love is necessary to carry breathing beings through the aeons.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1148
Welcome the stranger, let the sacred in.
Please pass it on.
© c 2011, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT
Meeting is what the world is about. Meeting is sharing as much as possible of our spiritual being.
:- Doug.
Love may be a way of saying that the universe is ultimately favorable to all beings. Despite all fears, all changing: out here is meeting, and meeting is loving.
:- Doug.
Conversation eventually passes to
A place of hearing
Taking inside
The quiet becomes beholding
Witnessing, of airs intermingling
We go or are taken outside our selves
To a meeting land beyond
Silence stilling our tongues & minds
For a moment or an hour
In this fallow field fertility is a-work
:- Doug.
We have not yet explored all of the physical universe, nor will we within the next year or two; how then can we think we know the spiritual?
:- Doug.
What long text sometimes tells us is that we are not yet clear on what we mean.
:- Doug.
Meet, invite, engage is the process of going deeper, until we do impart our spiritual beings to one another.
:- Doug.