Live a larger world
These people are not merely older, they’re different. They have progressed. They live a larger world.
:- Doug.

These people are not merely older, they’re different. They have progressed. They live a larger world.
:- Doug.
We have a felt need to self actualize. We have a felt need to be part of a knit group. We have a felt need to transcend our group. This spiral is a package of contraries which allows us to live and grow. So our work For the Grandchildren is in main part to nurture this growth to be our full selves, to exceed that and to be our societal best society, and to exceed that. We are growing new minds.
:- Doug.
If we look, maybe in some part the world is hospitable to the grandchildren, already. Look.
:- Doug.
Not only must we go beyond ourselves to grow the betweens, we have a need to transcend even these.
:- Doug.
Maslow tells us, if we look, that the way to best develop a grandchild, is to let her be. (Toward a Psychology of Being, p 199)
:- Doug
Footprints in the Windsm # 1807
Conflict is un-banished
attack is received as signal
for hearing
for growing
for getting along
in that meeting-field
out beyond peace
Please pass it on.
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Our world is hospitable when we continuously invite the grandchildren to become what they most deeply need to become.
:- Doug.
There is a cloud of 300 year grandchild-elders; they are concentrating on us….
:- Doug.
Meaning plus Intent to Participate equals World Shift. This intent is in the now: it is losing track, absorption, to be there; all three are in the present and vanishing like Alice’s Cheshire cat, leaving only the smile.
:- Doug.
When we are young
the great act is play
When we are adult
it is woman-man entwining
When we are elder
the great act is a converse
that is play infinite play
:- Doug.