To get to conversation:
To get to conversation, we must move into the indescribable, by ineffable means.
:- Doug.

To get to conversation, we must move into the indescribable, by ineffable means.
:- Doug.
When we try to pin down the Thou-world, we make it into the It-world. Even It & Thou & all the rest can be labels for experiences or knowledge & therefore of the It-world. We must say Thou & mean Thou with our being to get there. However there might, with grace, be trigger words.
:- Doug.
The gift of a Friendly death: what might that mean?
:- Doug.
Some of the most profound things
are said better
in poetry
sometimes better yet
in silence
:- Doug.
The higher work of the lawyer is
I’m a whole-maker
So are You
Let us see how this is so
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1273
I’d like to see a “debate” more true to life. Sit the candidates together and have them work with each other to create any way forward. In this we’d see their true mettle—for use with other countries, with business and labor, with politicians, with us.
Please pass it on.
© c 2012, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
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We grow when we get off our agendas, for G*d is surprising!
:- Doug.
Maybe you want to punctuate your conversations with a waiting…an opening of space for a larger meeting.
:- Doug.
The conversation we’re after is more than a mere exchange of information, it is an exploration together. And more.
:- Doug.
How do we get the right kind of conversation going? What is the right kind?
:- Doug.
If your imagination does not fly when you hear words of divinity, you may not have heard words of divinity.
:- Doug.
Conversation has these aspects:
a. Communicate info
b. Communicate fellow feeling
c. Thinking
d. Risk contributing
e. Risk something happening to us
f. Inventing a between
g. Inventing each of us
h. Special claim upon each other
i. Essences touch and are touched
k. Holy space between
Probably I can never list everything about conversation: it grows, it is alive, so it is not to be pinned down. These are, I should hope, evocative, freeing, opening.
:- Doug.
We meet, we each and both become both seed and soil for the other, for something that uses us to grow.
:- Doug.
Exchange conversation is, a barter, only you each keep what you brought and add the other’s, and if grace smiles, a child of these.
:- Doug.
We germinate, we leaf, we vine, we flower! We set little green fruit, we grow round, we grow fat, we grow green and then red! We fall to the ground, spent, or we are food! And still we are not done—our fruit is food for the seed, and then we germinate somewhere new, some when new.
:- Doug.
To a changing world, to ever new choices, our most real response can be as it always was, always will be: converse. Converse means to dance, to turn with, to tune over—as one turns over a compost heap, to create environs for new life, new working. Bring air and food and moisture and organisms together: make new humus.
:- Doug.
In conversation we risk contributing, risk something happening to us.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1272
A pair of little white butterflies
In bluest sky, chasing each other
Higher and higher, spiraling me
Please pass it on.
© c 2012, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Doug AT Back issues available at
Please publish in your print or electronic periodical, with the above info.
To subscribe, send an e-mail with the word “subscribe” to mailto:Doug AT
Blue skies, light breezes, sunny, the white butterfly is out across the pond, cavorting with the winds and the grasses.
:- Doug.