Archive for June, 2024

Persons don’t happen

In conversation persons don’t happen, they are made.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 30th, 2024 | No Comments »

Things that do not stick

We say things that do not stick. Could we learn from this?

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 30th, 2024 | No Comments »

Multi-day conversation?

What happens in a multi-day conversation? Weather? Climate?

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 29th, 2024 | No Comments »

Footprints in the Windsm # 2350–After all this

Footprints in the Windsm # 2350

After all this
study, thinking, working
it is to me
yet a mystery
how to get
how to stay

Please pass it on.

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Published in: FootprintsintheWind/sm | on June 29th, 2024 | No Comments »

Doubt is a faith

Doubt is a faith
Doubt conversation

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 29th, 2024 | No Comments »

How many whirlpools?

How may whirlpools in this river?

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 28th, 2024 | No Comments »

cannot step twice

You cannot step twice
into the same river of conversation
More largely, you can

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 27th, 2024 | No Comments »

Attend the variations

We might pay attention to the variations among individuals. That is what we do daily, especially in conversation. It is what we forget to do daily in interactions with clerks, custodians, and children.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 26th, 2024 | No Comments »

Footprints in the Windsm # 2349–Impify!

Footprints in the Windsm # 2349

Make it fun, be an imp. Implify!

Please pass it on.

© c 2024, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/274-5353, or by e-mail to mailto:Footprints AT Back issues available at

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Published in: FootprintsintheWind/sm | on June 26th, 2024 | No Comments »

A flag of leading?

This text is alive with multiple meanings—is this but a flag of our conversation, the kind that leads to meeting?

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 26th, 2024 | No Comments »

Big and bigger

When people talk, big things happen. When persons talk, bigger things happen.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 25th, 2024 | No Comments »

Writing Test:

Test: Is my writing changing me?

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 25th, 2024 | No Comments »

Footprints in the Windsm # 2348–Just another curtain

Footprints in the Windsm # 2348

It is not deeper, nor necessarily farther in where we “go.” It is just another curtain, even if less often opened, or never before opened. It might be more painful than other curtains, or less. It might be more intricate or less. Probably each curtain is just as close to home.

Please pass it on.

© c 2024, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/274-5353, or by e-mail to mailto:Footprints AT Back issues available at

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Published in: FootprintsintheWind/sm | on June 22nd, 2024 | No Comments »

Footprints in the Windsm # 2347–utterly unable

Footprints in the Windsm # 2347

Ourselves: we can explain, but we are utterly unable to understand.

Please pass it on.

© c 2024, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/274-5353, or by e-mail to mailto:Footprints AT Back issues available at

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Published in: FootprintsintheWind/sm | on June 19th, 2024 | No Comments »

Ever larger chunks

To find ever larger chunks of yourself, delve into ever more particular faces of your friend.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 18th, 2024 | No Comments »

painful falsity

The growth we seek is not magic. It comes in every conversation in which we open to a new and possibly painful falsity in what we knew for certain.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 18th, 2024 | No Comments »

Mechanical is as mechanical feels

If it feels mechanical, it is. Don’t keep pushing. Turn somewhere else in your conversation. Fresh paths rejuvenate.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 17th, 2024 | No Comments »

Tests don’t make you stronger

I know my Maker is with me because my life grows more complicated. Tests are not to make one stronger but to pull out what is already inventive.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 16th, 2024 | No Comments »

Why, Understand, About

The question is why we don’t understand about conversation.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 16th, 2024 | No Comments »

You must study opera

If you want to learn about conversation, you’ve got to study architecture, Vodou, forests, underground rivers, and octopuses. And opera. You must study opera.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 15th, 2024 | No Comments »

Footprints in the Windsm # 2346–Human size

Footprints in the Windsm # 2346

Conversation has the benefit of being human size. We can hear our voice. We can have it heard. We cannot get this on the national stage or even in our gatherings. We can discover and have our discovery heard with respect and awe.

Please pass it on.

© c 2024, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/274-5353, or by e-mail to mailto:Footprints AT Back issues available at

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Published in: FootprintsintheWind/sm | on June 15th, 2024 | No Comments »

Different mountaintops

How sure can we be that big things are composed of smaller? There is a school that holds that the big bring about the smaller. I suppose these two are simply looking to explain the same reality from different mountaintops. What do we do with these notions, so as to learn of conversation? Does the conversation bring about these two persons? Do the complexities draw up as from a well the persons to embody them? Are we parts of one another because our species has an in-bred tug one of the other? Does the novel call the voices, and then the voices call the characters?

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 15th, 2024 | No Comments »

Staying hidden?

What else is happening? What is trying to stay hidden?

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on June 14th, 2024 | No Comments »
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