sit on the other side
It’s fun
sit on the other side of the room
see something new
:- Doug.

Is there more to learn, to unpack from the “She died peacefully the first time” story? What the daughter thought was important. What upset the husband too. The son with his paper as well. What do you hear from each of them? The whole family dynamics were in play, and attention must be paid, all must be heard. Each had a legitimate thing to add. Eventually, all grew quiet.
I thought this story was about Mom’s comfort. But there is more here.
I thought this story was about you telling your children what you want. But there is more here.
:- Doug.
What is the necessity of family and community? Together is a necessity. Everyone’s voice must be heard. It is a respiration, from individual autonomy to gathering family and back. My wishes are important; so are everyone’s touched by my and our decisions.
:- Doug.
How to knot a tie
or tie a knot
you old man
can teach me
things I must know
:- Doug.
All powerful—
Therefore use your power,
human, for good
All knowing, all loving—
Therefore use your knowledge
and loving for good
All present—
Therefore be present
to those near you
All hearing—
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1581
Dead gunmen give no intell. Can we learn from the comic books? Are guns our only weapons? Throw a net over them. Brain-fog them with chemicals. Flash-bangs like the Boston Marathon bomber got. Walk away from the car chase and let drones track them. If we have them alive we might find out something useful from interrogation. Deny them their suicide by cop. Keep cops out of harm’s way. Rethink this thing. The bad guys can think of only the killings; we can think of many alternative endings. Dead bad guys cannot hurt us anymore. Nor can they help us.
So we got our man. And a dead end. Until we can plug dead men’s brains into a computer and find out what we need to know, killing seems the way to draw down over the event the dark of night. Until the next one.
Please pass it on.
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It takes a village to raise a grandparent
It takes a grandparent to raise a village
Where have all the grandparents gone?
:- Doug.
Kairos is no time, no time at all. You might say it is glow time, flow time, grow time, whoa time, bestow time. The apropos and ripe time to really know someone: know time.
:- Doug.