Live each moment as though the questions mattered
Live each moment as though the questions mattered.
:- Doug.

Live each moment as though the questions mattered.
:- Doug.
Humans have no land
The land has them
They are of the humus
& to it they home
Fences are an affront to spirit
:- Doug.
One has to be careful
that the gold on one the side of the scale
does not tip out the spirit on the other
:- Doug.
If you must have goals ask
of each are you
nurturing of life, substantial, enduring?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1166
Elders help us become see-far-ers.
Please pass it on.
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A series of poems & dreams & doors are we
More than what each might appear (Is this
Why our God is wholly invisible, yes?)
Transport to carry, puzzle to lose our minds,
Labyrinth to walk in contemplation
Between, among: shadows & mists & clearing:
Doors & poems & dreams & stories & questions
:- Doug.
People in my garden need weeding and watering and feeding and sometimes some lightning. They produce, not me, but I can help them send out roots and shoots.
:- Doug.
What good would you like for your having been on this planet to amount to?
:- Doug.
This red ribbon
is not the gift
nor are pretty pieces of paper
—it’s in shared glimmerings of life
The gift is the
heart of the giver
:- Doug.
At this market we are selling
completeness and wholeness of
family & life & dreams
:- Doug.
The edge of this sea
Is before me in mists
I can tell it is vast
& will carry us rowing and splashing
To new and lively shores
:- Doug.
Why do you want a dump truck Will? If all you want is to rid yourself of stuff then Who gets it and How should matter little. If it is important who and how, then you owe them to think through how and how much and what and when.
:- Doug.
It’s not the road less traveled by
that makes all the difference
but the taking
:- Doug.
Who can say when the end
of a human life will be
or therefore its middle?
We think we know the beginning
But each life is at any moment complete
:- Doug.
A Will is a way of nurturing dreams—those of your tribe as a whole, particular ones of your children and other beneficiaries. What do they dream? How can you help? What do you have—especially besides things?
:- Doug.
Loneliness is our greatest suffering. Therefore the work of elder caring is critical.
:- Doug.
There is power of storm
in conversation
the power of life
Here are consternation, tears,
sweat, births, madness,
drunkenness, rain, surrender,
absence, lightning, emptiness,
sacrifice, thunder, deaths,
all the rest of the
wholeness we call life
seeded in conversation
the storm of life
:- Doug.