Life emerges from proximity, intensity and leaning in…
Life emerges from the proximity, intensity and leaning in from other life in the space-wholeness.
:- Doug.

Life emerges from the proximity, intensity and leaning in from other life in the space-wholeness.
:- Doug.
Helping and intention are two separate things. You can do one without the other. Together is not necessarily better.
:- Doug.
We are in a society that seeks publicity, being known. What if we seek other?
:- Doug.
When we are gathered for a meeting, that is a whole. When another few join us, our whole got larger. When we are in a gathered meeting, that is another quality of whole.
:- Doug.
When our world grows, we grow. When we grow our world, we grow.
:- Doug.
What if we’re not connected to but affected by the whole? If we no longer need to picture a wire between us…what possibilities does that open to us?
:- Doug.
I may not be able to change the world much
But I can change life
Whatever living I add
Adds to, multiplies, transforms life:
There is but one life
:- Doug.
There are different ways to be near each other: to harm; to help; to ignore; to ask what they need; to offer what we think they need; to tell them what they need; to witness; to touch; to stand by. But since we are near, inevitably our life is adding to theirs, theirs to ours, so we best choose our way.
:- Doug.
In human space we see people “come alive” when they are working together. This seems so simple, like child’s play. But it is not. It is profound, and nearly invisible. To get people to work together, get people together working. Working on what they love.
The group becomes cohesive, coherent: a single organism, bigger than the sum of its parts, with new qualities. A clock is more than a collection of springs and gears. Yet what happens in humans, and maybe all of space, is of another quality beyond this: it is not a product of organizing done by an outside agent (in the case of the clock, a brain); each individual is made larger, has more living aspects, and each of these intensifies the other organisms it is part of and touches.
:- Doug.
If a body, which has some gravity, is between the earth and the moon, where it tends to go depends upon its proximity to the two bodies. If it is closer to the moon, the moon’s gravity attracts it there. Its gravity does not change the moon’s gravity field, except perhaps in an additive way, by adding its weight to the moon’s. But in the case of two fields of life, centers, both glow more brightly when they are near each other and helping one another.
:- Doug.
I want to
To read the next chapter
But this last is
So lively
Within me
Firing off new ideas
New mes
That reading new chapters
Would impede my progress
:- Doug.
Conversation is best described poetically
There is no other language big enough
But did you know conversation finds our poetry?
There is no other language big enough
Poetry is the only language we have big enough
To hold the magic of life, the magic of conversation
The magic of the all there is
There is no other language big enough
:- Doug.
If we combine hydrogen & hydrogen
& oxygen we get
But what do we say if we
Combine these three things &
Get hydrogen & oxygen
More intensely?
This is after all what we
See often when we
Bring together
Joe & Sally & Sue
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 968
What kind of world shall we enact? One in which our acts are of love, of bringing acts together, of agencies of life. A world where agents try out ideas with “Of these options, which brings the most living?”
What kind of world shall we enact? A meeting world, where agencies meet agencies, actors actors, and living and loving results.
What kind of world shall we enact?
Why is this news I can use? Because it frees me of old fears and restrictions, allows me to think of new things and daring to do, and people to meet. What kind of world shall we enact? tells us we can choose, that our touch on the gossamer is felt.
Please pass it on.
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How would living planning come into play in legal practice? One group is bringing life care planning into the field by bringing nurses and care planners into the law firm. I want to see it bigger than that: What do we want to do, what resources do we have—financial and otherwise—to do it, how do we live?
When our purpose be life, let us be living!
:- Doug.
These are times when our humanity rising meter is falling. These then are times when our efforts to add life and humanity and conversation are invited. I set before you life and death: choose life!
:- Doug.
Life is everywhere. Life is in the blue of the sky, the deepness of it. Life is in the dance and fluffing of the leaves. Life is in the movement of the air. Life is in my breathing, and in the shine on the desktop, and the shade under the tree, the little bits of white in the clover flowers in the lawn, in the traffic on the road, the reflection of the sun off the black roof on the house, the emptiness of my wallet! The void, the pregnant void, here, even here.
:- Doug.
Beautiful day out there—full of life: birds singing, the breezes fluffing up the trees, the suet cage turning over the water, the shade playing on the posts on the pier, a piece of cottony something floating by. Blue skies, 64 degrees. A near perfect day.
:- Doug.
It’s the helping of the conversation
That makes the conversation good—
The leaning in
It’s the helping of the living
That gives us our life—
The leaning in
:- Doug.
We dare not solve life
once for all time
we must continually
go out
Meeting we find living
:- Doug.
Living is increased
by concentrating it
focusing it
on other living
:- Doug.