Do not see a society without conflict
I do not see a society without conflict. I suspect that would not be healthy. Instead I see a society which is constructive.
:- Doug.

I do not see a society without conflict. I suspect that would not be healthy. Instead I see a society which is constructive.
:- Doug.
The contraries Dream and Act spin each other round and round, and we are carried forward. Never in straight lines, for that is not the way of living things, but in enjoyment and leaps without bothering to cross the space between, for they are the betweens!
:- Doug.
The unknown always looks like an abyss, ready to swallow us up; the known always looks comfortable. Mud and blood we know, and slogging is familiar; leave us alone: do not wake us. Yet the unknown is not so unknown: it is within us and grows out of us, goes a step at a time, never too fast for us to keep up, always fast enough to leave us breathless and reaching to touch the good.
:- Doug.
This is our challenge: we stand on the brink of a larger humanity. Behind us is smallness and death and shrinking. Which do we choose?
:- Doug.
Invite to the party.
A change the world party. We will eat and drink non intoxicating beverages, for what we produce will be the intoxicant. We will devise new worlds and bright, places where every voice is heard, every person is valued.
:- Doug.
Corral not
nor fence in our frontiers
We have voices
to be heard
to be given wing
and hoof
and opposable thumb
:- Doug.
Humankind stands on the verge of non-entity
immediately before us is
imagine! surprise!
& sleeves ripped away!
immediately behind us is
logic, straight lines
& fences
immediately behind that is
the hill we climbed called
sleeper, slave
& not to be heard
choose life
:- Doug.
The next step of evolution is conversational imagination. The point is to draw attention to the confluence of conversation and imagination. This is where emergence appears. The point is also that it takes a coming together, a meeting of real life, giving attention to each and every person, giving ear to each and every being. From this arises generation, new life, more life for each and all.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 813
We are both fighting as if
one of us will win
and ever stay unchanged
This is delusion: each
and both of us will
otherwise or hopefully
in the fight
The sooner, the sooner
It’s not the changing
but resisting changing
that hurts
and hurts us—
and there is sunshine
and spring on the earth beyond
Please pass it on.
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You have heard
Without vision the people perish
Now I say
with my little mouth and small voice
With vision, the people astonish
:- Doug.
helps us see
we are not satisfied
with the world as it is
we want more
We are not heard
we are not filled
and we sure are not emptied
We want more
what more is best?
To fill ourselves
or to empty ourselves
to use up all our abilities?
To get all we can or to give?
To be heard down the eons?
To touch each other and live?
:- Doug.
This is about expanding our expanding eyes. Only a greater world will satisfy humankind’s expanding eyes.
:- Doug.
The next stage of evolution is choosing life: creation. This is imagination at play. We can, together, create a better world. If we do not hang together, we hang separately, we die. So it is a movement together, making use and celebration of our individual voices, to create the new and better. We must weave a better world, for is it right? Is it good? Do all benefit? Are all heard and made use of, celebrated? Even when they are, there will be improvement to be made, for there will always be love to be given.
:- Doug.
In Eternity imagining is perceiving
So says Genesis
For G*d spoke & it was so
And G* saw & it was good
:- Doug.
The next step in our conscious evolution is imagination, especially its group forms.
:- Doug.
Conscious evolution in our times = imagination
Imagination in large part = a group activity
Imagination therefore = conversation
Imagination = engaging the body
Imagination like time = has an arrow
Imagination = weaving calls for help, help, and people
Imagination = Creator
= G*d
:- Doug.
Imagination is not simply brainstorming. Such is the daydreaming of infants, when they have not the raw material. If we are prevented from putting it to work then we are stunting the work of imagination, we are holding people back, and that is the work of nothing, of evil: That is the work of holding back divinity and divine work. So there is a factor of putting the imagination to work, on the ground. It must enlist the body. It takes hands and legs and minds and hearts to make up imagination.
:- Doug.
Imagination is a far different thing from how we thought to use it in childhood—or maybe not. We played, we tried to see how large we could see. But we did not have the raw material we needed, nor the realization of the power of conversation. In middle adulthood we had the raw material, but we too easily got distracted with the grey cloth over our heads and so we saw nothing of the sun or the rainbow, but only the grindstone and the road ahead. Now we can see imagination and put it to work, flying high, carrying the load.
:- Doug.
As children we heard rumors of imagination
But we could not have known it
Till after we had come through
The befuddling waters of middle adulthood
Emerging on the other side
:- Doug.
Two directions of imagination
One facing the unreal
Leading to demons and monsters in the night
One facing real
Leading to coloring seeing creating life
:- Doug.
Humans have moved from creation to life to conscious life. We are ready to take the next step and that is to wake our imagination. That is done both individually and together. The together is conversation. Conversation is how we evolve to our next stage, it is the next stage. It is imagination to a higher power.
:- Doug.
Take the long view
Rush not
What could that look like
If I take the long view?
:- Doug.
The real is embedded in us. We can tell of G*d by telling of our most profound, essential stuff: We have a yearning for the greater. We desire to create. We need to love and be loved, to hear and be heard. Life grows on. All these things point to G*d. G*d points to us.
:- Doug.