to be alive stand in the rain
To be alive stand in rain stay and be here in these woods standing witness
:- Doug.

To be alive stand in rain stay and be here in these woods standing witness
:- Doug.
and then we die
in between
pass it on
pass it on
life’s agreement
with life
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2165
How does humanity get over themselves?
Please pass it on.
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In a lush garden
In the silence
And the singing
With hands in the earth
In the aroma of humus
This conversation brings us
To our knees
:- Doug.
Gather together
Ready yourselves
To hear
What cannot be spoken
To rise up on wings
:- Doug.
What are our stances in conversation? To give or to get? Or something more, something we barely intuit?
:- Doug.
We’re here on this blue marble, each of us, to allow the other to meet more of the world as persons.
:- Doug.
Naming is more than claiming for yourself or the other certain qualities and powers: it is asking for a relationship.
:- Doug.
When we harvest the sweet conversation we can know there will be more. O harvester, you stimulate!
So there are some things going on beneath the audible and visible and tangible conversation. Can we ever know all of it? Is it even good to leave some things unknown? What all have we missed?
Disturbing is beneficent.
:- Doug.
Just about every conversation we have cost someone’s life. Consider the potato, the fish, the cow. Consider how opening ourselves threatens us.
:- Doug.
Can we, regularly, approach a conversation and perhaps even work within one, asking for its fruit?
:- Doug.
We are each fragile, just in different ways and at different times. Be kind.
:- Doug.
Pablo Casals is said to have said “Music is what happens between the notes.” Call it music, call it softness, call it conflagration. We can give heed between the stars, between the people, between the conversations.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2164
Conversation heals
Conversation makes whole
Wholes can ever
Become more whole
You are whole
You can be more whole
Our culture can be more whole
The living community about us
More whole
Conversation heals
Please pass it on.
© c 2022, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Footprints AT Back issues available at
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Footprints in the Windsm # 2163
The waters of conversation do not forget their responsibility. Put out a pitcher. Share something to hydrate as well as bread to break.
Please pass it on.
© c 2022, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Footprints AT Back issues available at
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