Archive for August 2nd, 2022

Grasping hands

Where is this going? Where is the path to. . .what? Profound, weighty, penetrating, sacred, meaning, larger, keen, life, qwoan, intimate, known, rooted, grounding, completing? This is an opening of ourselves to some power or skill inherent in us, generating a knowing of persons (human or otherwise) and being known as person. This a grasping of hands, and grasping of essence.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on August 2nd, 2022 | No Comments »

green and brown to heat

Our work is not merely permitting the conversation to do its work. We can be intentional. We can bring in the food and drink, and the living parts that have become separated from their optimal places. Consider the compost heap: we can bring our table scraps and put them on the pile. Living things will go to work and create rich black soil. But the little critters which do the work would work better if they were not starved. We know that compost works best with both green things (the table scraps and cut grass) and brown (like autumn leaves and wood chips): then the heap starts heating up. Work is done. Life is heated. Similarly our job in conversation is to go out to other persons, show up to stay there, bring food, water, green ideas, brown combustible material, and knowing patience.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on August 2nd, 2022 | No Comments »

Bob hanging by its string

Several insights this morning, foundational in some way, sounding depths in me. They relate to conversation, and they go deeper (would like to have a better word than that) than I have been going in my studies. I feel as though my metaphors have not plumbed far, the bob is hanging by its string, has not yet touched, has only encountered some of the dirt and rock outcroppings on the way; maybe the hole has twists at many angles.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on August 2nd, 2022 | No Comments »
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