The magic is in
The magic is in
Your head
Your heart
Simply notice
Your equanimity
:- Doug.

For me it seems wise not to retire: I might stop doing the few community things I am doing, I might no longer have the get-it-started quality of heart.
:- Doug.
Tell forth what might be
What ought to be
It might be another generation
Makes it happen
If ours cannot quite
Call forth!
:- Doug.
News? Get past “How does this affect me?” to “How can I help?,” “How can I make a better community?,” and “How will I open the world wider?”
:- Doug.
Things that take the least effort
sometimes take the most effort
like to simply be
let the wind move the trees
and rush around me
and not do
not think
:- Doug.
Larger than that
larger: largess, generous,
loving even that which
embarrasses me
divinity is
Larger than that
capable of the universe
of things larger than
any human has
yet imagined
of great acts of loving
the unlovable
and some days ourselves
humanity is
:- Doug.
If entropy
leads to disorganization
and disorganization to
new ordering
how might we
increase entropy?
Open to the outside
increase bumping, remembering, emerging:
as Harrison Owen says
open some space
or said differently,
invite conversation
:- Doug.
In writing of tree of life
and tree of knowledge and such like
I am interpreting the old stories
for my wider life and knowledge
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1360
What would make the next stage of your life the best stage of your life? What would you want to do? Not do? Ponder? Explore with others? Ideally what would be on the curriculum?
PS: If you are in South Bend next weekend, you are invited to a retreat (Friday evening, Saturday whole day) called “Discovering Ourselves Wiser: Using Our Wisdom for Our World.” Please come!
Please pass it on.
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I see now the tree
represents life
first a shoot
then a single leaf
then others
a thousand thousand leaves
here is the tree of life
I seen now the tree
with forks in branches and twigs
represents the knowledge of
—the taking in—the choice between
good and evil
in this choice, in this labeling
is killing one or the other
bringing death to life
I see now there is
life and death
one follows the other
in natural waves as they choose
as they come
but we are not given the one choice
lest we upset the rhythm
:- Doug.
Perhaps it is true that the more complexity there is, the more order there is. But it feels like chaos because order derives from chaos. It is a more intricately woven order, more nuanced, than we had imagined.
:- Doug.
The opening segment of the film Consider the Conversation shows older people in nursing homes having difficulty doing therapy, eating messily. Some folks see this as denigrating folks or making fun. Others see it as finding our compassion. What you see is in your eye.
:- Doug.
We all ever struggle to take humanity to higher levels of humaneness and humility. There are those among us who slip and go to an earlier, less understanding, less interconnected, less lawful state, more egoistic, more criminal: taking for self satisfaction at the expense of others. Our abhorrence is proof of our evolution.
:- Doug.
As difficult as it seems to grasp, an increasing entropy leads to an increasing complexity, that is, order.
:- Doug.