Use it all!
Use it all!
Use us all
Use all our energy
Cut not off the engine
While there is fuel in the tank
Throw yourself all in
Invite everyone into the pool
:- Doug.

Use it all!
Use us all
Use all our energy
Cut not off the engine
While there is fuel in the tank
Throw yourself all in
Invite everyone into the pool
:- Doug.
Soft and gentle as a thunderstorm
Bright and clear as moonless night
Elusive as a soaking rain
:- Doug.
Leap into the divine abyss
such is the flight of life
never will you get out alive
:- Doug.
Command—in whispers—
or invite
—same effect—
the great things you see require
—your voice
:- Doug.
When we were sane
and even sober
before we drank blood
what did we know
how could we love?
:- Doug.
Flower, tree, fish, fox, human
black brown yellow red pale
one blood flows in our poetry
:- Doug.