first you die then
Give up the last thing
the vulnerable being
at your center
protected, defended, walled
breach your barriers go out
and meet the radically other
first you die then you live
:- Doug.

Give up the last thing
the vulnerable being
at your center
protected, defended, walled
breach your barriers go out
and meet the radically other
first you die then you live
:- Doug.
Possible to glimpse—
Unity of your self (who are you?)
Unity face to face (who might we yet be?)
Unity of soul-invested action (what will we do?)
—Possible to start in our world
:- Doug.
Grief! & pain!
For our original self
Cry bitter tears!
For days & weeks & eons endless!
Never again. Never.
:- Doug.
Each child you meet
is bearer of your communion with the world
form of your responsibility for humankind
seedling of your original voice to echo
if you truly meet
:- Doug.
The center of all surprise
You and all humanity
Evil and good mixed through
Little wonder we are mixed up
Lightning! Flash and crash!
What has not been invades!
You begin
:- Doug.
Have much to do tomorrow. It needs my very own voice. These people need my very own voice. You need my very own voice. Your milieu needs my very own voice.
:- Doug.
Voices of devils and angels intertwine
in life’s choir
the hymn wild and feral
offers a poem for you to make
bend the melody do not break
:- Doug.
Set your soul a paradoxical work:
Find the crowd
No longer a crowd
:- Doug.