What was the message?
What was the message of the last book you read? Do you agree?
:- Doug.

Core is infinite onion
waves coming to greet you ever
deeper further always possible
:- Doug.
Give out your message
Give out your self
Neither can survive
Both are needed
This generation
:- Doug.
Your message to engage the world
must be bodied forth among the world
So it is—you are—for change at risk
:- Doug.
The only way, the only way
to get someplace new
is to go someplace you’ve never been
converse with people you’ve never before
:- Doug.
In beginning was the art
and the painting was with God
and the poetry was God
In beginning was the creativity
we are children of the creativity
and the creativity is ongoing
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1438
A stray line of a poem
am I
do you feel so, too?
do all in the world
want for a rhyme and a rhythm?
dance! sing! now!
challenge the poem to show up!
hand touching hand for electricity
let’s you and I
Please pass it on.
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