This poetry need not be true
This poetry need not be true
Yet is
Sets us on the path toward true
:- Doug.

This poetry need not be true
Yet is
Sets us on the path toward true
:- Doug.
In science old thought fades
as old scientists die off
In bloody revolutions, the process is hurried
this way I eschew
Emergencies invite new thinking
when not purposely originated
Sometimes it is saying it over and over
for decades
Till our hearts hear
:- Doug.
We live in a closed-loop world
Symbiotic action is not an option:
Either we are working for the good of all, or dying
:- Doug.
How big is your house?
Does it shelter your family?
Is it big enough for your townsfolk?
The people you don’t like so much?
Health and money and neighborliness?
How big is our whole house
And do we take responsibility?
:- Doug.
Among our deepest desires
To make to the universe a lasting contribution
Offer here
:- Doug.
How the cells must have felt!
When first they came together
I am losing my identity
I shall surely die!
I must rebel
But two accepted the offer
Multi-celled creatures resulted
Eventually humans
Symphonies, electricity, and thronging cities
Societies, higher level acts
Possibility if we come together?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1434
Seeing anything as
interesting, beautiful, scary
seeing it at all
attending it
transforms it
Please pass it on.
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