Receiving mode
Receiving mode
Hear, take in
All senses and lightly
Only later:
Speaking mode
:- Doug.

Receiving mode
Hear, take in
All senses and lightly
Only later:
Speaking mode
:- Doug.
The way to the future
The way to peace now
The way to being your truth
Engage one another
:- Doug.
My life is what comes before
whatever comes next
presence is prologue
:- Doug.
Freedom and intimacy
breathing deeply and hearing
Here the journey, here is home
:- Doug.
Have you ever known the inside
of air, of divinity,
of another person?
:- Doug.
Meeting is about freedom:
passion and responsibility
noticing what is arising
being silent and present
each an element of the space
taking off shoes in the presence
noticing what you are noticing
staying together
speaking truth, and gently
:- Doug.