Walking on a way
From our meanderings
To life engaged
Thus spake the prophets: Turn!
:- Doug.

Walking on a way
From our meanderings
To life engaged
Thus spake the prophets: Turn!
:- Doug.
Around one vision you can build a life
indeed several lives
actually millions
:- Doug.
Like the rest of nature
trees leafing and flowering
green shoots of grass
robins and geese arriving, bluegill nesting
we too can sense when the season turns
:- Dooug.
Courage connects us
It is heart and will twining
It comes to us
It goes forth from us
It is of the stream called humanity
:- Doug.
“Soft” skills is a pejorative term some minds apply to what they cannot analyze. It is imprecise, not well thought out. More accurate might be subtle.
:- Doug.