no hint
Under the radar
is the way to start conversing
get everyone together
around practical things
give them no hint
:- Doug.

Under the radar
is the way to start conversing
get everyone together
around practical things
give them no hint
:- Doug.
Conversing raises awareness
Creating a level above
That of the conversants
:- Doug.
Do you want to get something done with these people? You owe it to all of you to investigate Open Space Technology.
:- Doug.
The pressure cooker (OST) uses less water (time), focuses the available energy (of all the people), cooks (gets the job done) quicker, than waiting for the pot (things to happen on their own).
:- Doug.
More and more I am seeing that much is to be gained by people together. There is more brainpower, more heart power, more hand power, and therefore more wholeness becomes possible. I am not sure where this is going, but I am seeing a converging being not only advantageous but the direction we are headed. Even appears inexorable.
:- Doug.
Diverse people
+ heads, hearts, hands
+ all 5 faculties
all depends on our meaning of together
:- Doug.
Not brains on a stick
be a heart with hands
and to organize, investigate: head
:- Doug.
2 heads know more than one
3 hearts open more than two
8 hands do more than six
:- Doug.