Parents’ like background
My life experience is my own; my parents’ feels like background, contributing to my basic worldview. My grandparents’ seems quaint, a distant, overarching philosophy.
:- Doug.

My life experience is my own; my parents’ feels like background, contributing to my basic worldview. My grandparents’ seems quaint, a distant, overarching philosophy.
:- Doug.
Some books and other writings require more mental effort than others. How do we engage our readers? Story? Questions? What do you think? What techniques have you used? To write deliberately in this manner—to engage one’s readers in an unending conversation—takes more effort than a lecture. Could it also be more rewarding—for the generations of readers? How could you improve on this train of thought? The questions asked have to be attractive, possible to tackle, and present a heightened level of challenge.
:- Doug.
Google-faced. We may all be. In one possible future. No, I don’t. What do you think it means? Might mean?
:- Doug.
Holding lots of meetings with people and their ideas, combined with thinking, produces new things. Enough will be of high quality to keep up.
:- Doug.