Ask your characters
If you ask strategic questions of your characters, your story will come alive, move, go deeper. Do we want to ask such questions of the eleventh generation?
:- Doug.

If you ask strategic questions of your characters, your story will come alive, move, go deeper. Do we want to ask such questions of the eleventh generation?
:- Doug.
Communication of the second kind, as used by Fran Peavey, has echoes of Robert McKee’s subtext. It is what really motivates one but is seldom voiced by, or even consciously known to, that one.
:- Doug.
Do those from 1719 have nothing valuable to tell us? How would we find what they have to say?
:- Doug.
The futures are the later than now. The present is the echoes of that word “now.”
:- Doug.
Could we become intimate with the futures, and those who live in them?
:- Doug.