Without a job?
What if you lived a very long life without a job?
:- Doug.

What if rich did not matter, did not get you anything or anywhere important?
:- Doug.
Death could go away by genetics and other biologic advances. Taxes could go away because there would be not much income or ownership of value to tax. (Except maybe those if any outside the commons who controlled the artificial intelligences and algorithms.) We may no longer have the poor with us. What is life without these complaints?
:- Doug.
What if we were enabled to retire in our prime—or even as we entered our prime? Again, if we retired on and off for most of our lives, or worked only a few hours a week or year? What would you do with life? What if everybody had enough food, clothing, shelter, transportation, medical care, and computing power to do whatever they wanted? How would their wants increase?
:- Doug.