Archive for March 31st, 2023

Goodness out to play

What are you doing in a conversation if not allowing goodness out to play?

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on March 31st, 2023 | No Comments »

kerosene in the soup

Stories we know are condensed bundles of happenings, truths, wishes, and all that. So too are words. Condensed tomato soup can be reconstituted with water. If I reconstitute with milk it resembles the original, with a different taste. If you use soy milk or almond milk is the result tomato soup? Yes, and it may be better than the original. If someone uses kerosene? You can the soup; you have no control over the final reconstitution, do you?

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on March 31st, 2023 | No Comments »

meal you are being fed

The news we take in is about the exceptions not the rule, so no, the world is not getting worse: that is just the meal you are being fed.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on March 31st, 2023 | No Comments »

Edges of experience

Do we talk at the edges of our experience—or mostly about every day things? This might be a flag of remarkable conversation and the forgettable: do we repeat the ho-hum This is the argument I had with my wife today, again; or do we open ourselves to talk about our pains, our vulnerabilities, our worries, our quandaries, did I make a mistake saying that?

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on March 31st, 2023 | No Comments »

It is your story

When the person across from you speaks, ask your body where it all lands, where and how it oscillates in your skeleton, muscles, and organs. Don’t mistake this for their story—it is your story. Then ask what you feel as a result of what landed. Can you shh your mind from giving you words? Your body, given space, might give you a fresh word or image. Explore here.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on March 31st, 2023 | No Comments »
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