Since 1720?
How did humanity change since 1720? How might it change by 2320? How might our stories conduce to a better humanity? Way beyond technology, is there something significant in the human soul our stories can work on?
:- Doug.

How did humanity change since 1720? How might it change by 2320? How might our stories conduce to a better humanity? Way beyond technology, is there something significant in the human soul our stories can work on?
:- Doug.
Huxley foresaw “social chaos resulting from rapid technological progress;” what happened that we see something else in our world today?
:- Doug.
The difference between care and caring is akin to the difference between healthcare and Florence Nightingale.
:- Doug.
I wonder…what stories you have to tell…for your children’s grandchildren? What message you would love them to pass on?
:- Doug.