Archive for December 22nd, 2011

None of us is “simply” anything

Was Jesus simply an exemplar of the human being? He in fact kept calling himself that in his “son of man.” I quarrel with the word simply. None of us is simply anything. We are each individuals, sons and daughters of God, each irreplaceable and different, yet all of a whole. Each puzzle piece is different from all others, but only whole in the whole. Each branch and twig and leaf has a special place, gains its wholeness in the whole.

Yet Jesus was human, one of us.

God is one of us.

Of us, one. And more. And.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on December 22nd, 2011 | No Comments »

Heroes and heroines of our age?

What will it take for us to become the heroes and heroines of our age?

Does being heroic require grand acts? No, simply ordinary everyday acts of whatever size in a large-sighted frame of mind and heart: what really matters? Who are we and what order of human realm do we want to rear?

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on December 22nd, 2011 | No Comments »
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