Archive for June 29th, 2008

Footprints in the Windsm # 868

Footprints in the Windsm # 868

If we see wind and breath and spirit as understandings of one word we owe it to ourselves to keep all in mind as we apply that word. If we hear a calling to include unheard voices and marginalized peoples and another to meet our budgets, we owe it to ourselves and our grandchildren to work to include both in our response. We progress when we include more criteria for progress.

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Published in: FootprintsintheWind/sm | on June 29th, 2008 | No Comments »

10 or so Remands

The 10 (or so) Remands for Our 21st Century

1. Loving is our work: loving those who live with us in our homes, neighborhoods and worlds; loving those who have no one; loving those who are hard to love; loving wastefully, expecting no thanks and no repayment; loving even ourselves when we fall short, loving our efforts and intentions and attempts.

2. We will walk and work together, knowing that community is the completing of us, that community is of G*d.

3. We take into ourselves the responsibility to grow into a fuller humanity, including all, however they differ, knowing that love and truth are in our differences, and that love is superior to truth. We will seek truth wherever we can find it, will listen to all and seek them out, and will discard as readily as we can what is no longer truth. We will uplift each other, showing each other a new more excellent way.

4. We take responsibility for the health of our world—the earth, the universe, and all children even beyond the seventh generation. We will use resources wisely, restoring what we take, leaving the place cleaner than we found it, giving life.

5. We pledge to each other to make all our decisions for the welfare of the whole human race. We will work to: curb our spiraling birthrate; use our rich resources to feed both rich and poor; bring to center whomever is marginalized; remember the oneness of all; and live as if we all mattered.

6. We will bring to living, loving and being the wonder and hope of life and what is sacred and divine among us. We pledge to each other to grow in vision and maturity, taking responsibility for loving.

7. We will all together and each take responsibility for adding, changing, varying and contradicting these Remands, knowing that living, loving and being are always growing….

:- Doug.

(For this full article, see here.)

Published in: Conversations | on June 29th, 2008 | No Comments »
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