Pregnancy and Conversation
Can conversations be pregnant and not deliver? Can a mother, pregnant, refuse delivery?
Some conversations are pregnant, and then we walk away, leaving the mother–the conversation, the situation, who is the mother?–to deliver or to abort. How often do we abort conversations, run away afraid to deliver, to raise this child?
Where is the truth, the really real, the meaning here? Do we impregnate each other? Are we impregnated in conversation? We are. We might refuse it, wear protection, and we do often. Sometimes the seed is planted when we are infertile or simply not willing to play. Perhaps we are in pain or we do not wish to engage. Sometimes we just respond to the societal influences: don’t talk to strangers. Remember, you are a stranger, too! There is much that tells us to fear, yes? And there is one who encourages us saying, and there are a few who also teach, Fear not.
And when we are pregnant, do we do what is wise and healthy for our unborn child? How shall we nourish these twins, the persons seeking to be born? Do we take in good things, love and energy, do we avoid the hate and fear?
:- Doug.
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