We become the light beams carrying the infinite images from one jewel to the next on Indra’s net….
We become the light beams carrying the infinite images from one jewel to the next on Indra’s net. No longer are we static, or even flashing on and off, but we are full, we are plenum. We carry all, lightly: all are images and breath; all are light because brothers and sisters we are. We are full flow. We are valuable in ourselves and in all we reflect and carry and unfold into the world. We are particle, we are wave. We touch and swirl, finding what has heart and depth, releasing true beings into each other. Who we are is in between, flowing, capable not of being captured but only pursued. We are light speed. We hold everything, we are everything. We hold no power, except the power to open—to open ourselves, others, the all there is. And the power is not to hold but to release, to evoke, to invite in and then out: see and become all.
:- Doug.
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