Then we have a chance

Conversation solves the knots among us—can even solve the Gordian knot of our medical payments system, which threatens our health. The challenge is these faceless bureaucracies of insurance and government will not, cannot, converse—and our representatives are afraid to open up.

They are afraid of what they might open up—lots of screaming and consternation. Yet if we tiptoe around the issues, nothing will happen. We need a dose of conversational courage…and the skill to open the conversations peacefully and respectfully. If we recognize that others have different points of view, and that we cannot understand them without turning about with them, then we have a chance. On the other hand, without opening the door we have no chance. If we ask the conversational question that goes beyond the ideologies, that directs the conversation to what we can do and what we have in common, then we have a chance. If we work to think through how to bring us together, to think through where we are already together, then we have a chance.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on April 18th, 2012 | No Comments »

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