No image for God

We may not be able to find an image for God; we may be incapable, large as our imaginations are; or God as spirit may defy image.

You might morph. You might be understandable to some people as the old grey man on a big chair. You might appear to others as Om or sound or turtles all the way down or an elephant or giraffe. That is all OK, now. I do not have to go searching for an image that works for all and for all time. I can see you as verb or adjective or no thing at all. You are there, you are loving me. All OK now.

So we learn to live with an imageless God. We allow others their images and perhaps they allow us ours. Our images may come and go, shape-shifting. Or we have none at all. Could we live our lives with no images of ourselves?

All OK now.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on November 26th, 2008 | No Comments »

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