Illegal to help?!
Last night on the news was this story in South Bend, Indiana:
Someone went to help the unhelped on the Gulf Coast–rented a couple buses, enlisted some volunteers, blankets, water, food, housing, love. Local officials came close to calling it Illegal; local large charities asked Who checked their medical records, the victims’ backgrounds?
Last I knew it was legal to offer rides to strangers. Last I knew we did not require passports, visas, and background checks to cross state lines.
Sounds more like turf wars to me: the bureaucracies hate being helped, let alone upstaged when they are not meeting all the need. Fear is what they conjure up here for those who would help: because they fear.
Since when is love illegal? Stupid maybe, rushing in where hierarchies of angels fear to tread. Shoot love, ask questions later. Love is the antidote to fear. It is necessary to love.

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