I give my heart
I give my heart to G-d who opens me, who asks me to stretch, who seeks to kill my very understanding of myself in order to bring forth what is really in me, who I really am. I give my heart to G-d who wants me as an adult, who wants my work and does not do everything for me. I give my heart to G-d who loves diversity and multiplicity and conversation and dynamics and many ways to love G-d, for this G-d has many ways to love us. I give my heart to G-d who is not the same, but who is ever new. I give my heart to G-d who loves our imperfection for the very graces of imperfection: bumping, creativity, stumbling, possibility, surprise. I give my heart to G-d who does not exclude, rather welcomes all and uses whomever and whatever comes (whether we think it good or ill) as part of the rainbow for good, who sees not dichotomies rather palettes.
:- Doug.

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