Footprints in the Wind sm # 655
Footprints in the Windsm # 655
The Face of faces Nicholas of Cusa is said to have said, and seen. When I read this last night, it spoke to me. It spoke to me of conversation, and of meeting: the Meeting within and of which all meeting consists.
What is The conversation? What is the meta-conversation? What is the conversation of all time? And eternity?
What is the conversation of conversations? It is about meeting the face of faces. Face to face is a good way to say it: we are meeting, we are seeing, we are being seen, we are seeing through and being seen through, we are one face. The Buddhists have a saying that suggests to me the face before we had a face. The face underneath our face, our masks, our who we think we are, for there is something there that is beneath all that, that is the really real of us. And when we go deeply enough, then we find there the original one, the original face, the real. This is a who, a person, a personal meet-you-met-by-you. In this meeting the real is released, real-ized.
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