Everywhere and sparkles

next to post to Web Immanent and transcendent are not merely opposite ends of a continuum: they are more descriptive of moving, movable segments of a circle, of all circles. They belong to human capacity as well as divine.

What is immanent and transcendent in human conversation? We can be immanent when we truly meet another, make ourselves available to that one. The friend can be immanent to us in the same way. We can be transcendent in two ways: we can be absent when with another: checking our watch or phone; pointing our shoes away; thinking about the shopping we need to do. The second way is to lift our friend to new possibilities, hidden capacities.

It seems immanent and transcendent in conversation are each a matter of choice. You can choose to activate both at once by attending your friend to hear now and to seek for capacities and sparkles.

When are you here and everywhere? Remember that infinities can overlap. Take up no space.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on April 24th, 2024 | No Comments »

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