Cause, Choice, Cure

My friend, Jan Hughey, sent me this poem, which I thought you might like….


We make choices in our lives so we’re responsible;
for some things that are thrust on us, we are not liable.
Let’s look at some diseases—the kind we always face;
some may see them differently and think them a disgrace.

Consider the afflicted one who bears the malady;
there are no guarantees in life—I’m sure you can agree.
Before your judgment lowers, consider the three “C’s”:
What was done to CAUSE it, and then in what degrees?

Would this have been their CHOICE
if it were heaped upon a pile?
Many an affliction robs a person of a smile;
There are ills for which a CAUSE or CURE are yet unknown,
If you’ve not walked a mile that way,
you can’t know cause to groan.

Love and understanding
are both needed in each life,
if you’re a strong and robust one don’t add to others’ strife;
It wasn’t CAUSED nor CHOSEN, that is plain to see,
And if no CURE is for it—COMPASSION is a “C.”

C Janet Elliott Hughey

Cause Choice Cure Compassion

Jan has had Type 1 diabetes for 55 years and writes about it. She is also going through a tough time just now: her 43 year old son has been diagnosed with cancer. This poem is from her newest book, Tolerating the Sweet Life,

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on October 11th, 2005 | No Comments »

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