Blind spots and nurturing life
When we meet others, we both have blind spots. Between us we can point out things the other misses, have us each turn our heads just a bit so we can see more of the real. Experts as well as lay people have blind spots. The key characteristic of blind spots is that we do not see what we do not see. It takes someone else with a different vantage point calling out what he or she sees, to call attentionāand this indirectly! So when we are stuck with looking at someĀthing as so many facts and figures, Dollars and numbers, or in some other concentrated way, we should be alerted. Are we not doing all this to support and nurture life? Whether it be starting a business, earning money, or building a warplane, is not our ultimate the advancement of life? If it is not, what use is it? So this needs to be part of our equation: life. If it is not served, then we need to question what we are doing.
The idea here is to be gentle with ourselves and each other. We need to call our attention to where life lives.
:- Doug.

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