Footprints in the Windsm # 1615–Attacks and shootings: less lethal default

Footprints in the Windsm # 1615

Wondering about the various attacks and shootings the last week or so, and whether there might be some response less than lethal. The point is, we might learn something from these people: whether and who their accomplices are, how they got this way, how we might prevent radicalization.

The Dallas shooter for instance might have been taken down with a flash-bang and some tranquilizer or even tear gas. The motorists killed for reaching for a wallet might have been prevented by a stun gun from bringing out a feared weapon. I have not received police training so I don’t know what is possible. But it seems the only response we have been using is to kill.

There was a call today for all-out war on terrorism. How does that work if radicalization happens in families and small groups and even individuals? If the enemy wears no uniforms and comes at you in ones and twos, what good’s an atom bomb or a battleship? Sounds kind of like the colonists fighting the redcoats.

The answer may be at least in part to get the information we can where we can, and that might mean making less lethal the default.

Please pass it on.

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Published in: FootprintsintheWind/sm | on July 23rd, 2016 | No Comments »

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