An even larger G*d:
Have faith in an even larger G*d: One who works through all for G*d is the All There Is, and who does not simply wave a magic wand and fix things to our order like a short order cook. G*d works through all and all works out in the end, but seldom on our timetable. Thus, G*d may heal us through death or loss of job or what we call tragedy, making us whole in ways we had not conceived, and not either as a Mr. Fix-it, but as a flow, a river carrying our tears and turning them to ointment for healing the world. A master-weaver gets closer, but a weaver of clouds and rainbows and blue skies and soaring falcons, of songs and dances and crops and wildflowers, of fishes leaping and bugs biting and great and small: weaving, weaving us all and all there is into stardust and big bangs now now now, hearing, being changed, hearing hearing hearing meeting meeting meeting sending sending sending weaving all this and inviting us.
:- Doug.
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