True to my bones

The truth I seek is beyond proof of facts: it reaches what is true to our own being. It is largely incapable of being stated. The phrase, true to my bones, starts to capture it. Essence is too broad. Reaching in and twisting my guts is closer. It tells me, naked to the world.

If we get to this kind of truth, it deals with the changing: of my world, of my life, of my truth. It fights this change, paddles with the stream, falls in and is overwhelmed by this stream. What is me, and what is this truth then? That is the question, is it not?

Somehow, I am expected to respond. Rightly. For the sake of others and even for the sake of the species and all there is.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on July 17th, 2019 | No Comments »

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