Togethering is not simply throwing people into a pot, but placing them; art of inviting…

Togethering is what goes on when we meet and when we converse. It is not simply throwing people into a pot, but placing them, inviting them in such a way that they support the life of each other and of the whole.

Which speaks to the importance of the invitation, the living question, for this is a center itself and it serves to start to bring the whole into focus. It forms the first vague inchoate hints of the living center: it is the implicate enfolded whole that wants for unfolding.

So the How is somehow addressed by making beautiful wonderful questions. These questions can be, and often will best be, in the form of wonderful stories: stories of heartache and tears and laughter; stories of microcosm touching macrocosm.

:- Doug.

Published in: Conversations | on August 19th, 2009 | No Comments »

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